Sigma Gamma Rho
.:.Pi Sigma Alumnae Chapter.:.

National Projects

Sigma History
Sigma Facts
National Projects
Notable SoRHOrs
Upcoming Events

"Greater Service, Greater Progress" is our sorority's slogan which reflects every Sigma Woman's commitment to service. Through active participation and networking with other organizations, Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Incorporated has and will continue its tradition of service to improve the quality of life in every community!

A few of our National Projects include;

Project Reassurance:  Providing workshops and activities to assist and educate pregnant teens and teen mothers.

Mwanamujimu Essay Contest:   Providing students with an opportunity to increase their knowledge of Africa.

Project Weesavers: Assisting children (ages 6-18) in increasing their knowledge of finances (banking, stocks, bonds, basic investing, etc).

Operation Big Bookbag: Providing children in need with school supplies and resource materials to assist them in their educational endeavors.

You may find many more of our national projects on our national website,




Women of Substance choose Sigma!!